CIUS Press: Brief Manuscript Submission Guidelines
CIUS Press welcomes manuscripts in all areas of Ukrainian studies. This page highlights the areas in which we publish and the basics of our publishing process.
Full manuscripts in an electronic form should be sent to:
Dr. Marko R. Stech, Director of CIUS Press and Scholarly Publications
e-mail: [email protected]
Main Areas of Publication
• Archeology
• Culture & Society
• History
• Language & Linguistics
• Literature Studies
• Memoir & Biography
• Religion & Theology
• Ukrainians in Canada
How to Submit a Manuscript
Your manuscript submission should include:
- Manuscript letter explaining the subject of your manuscript and its intended audience
- The complete manuscript, including
• Table of contents
• Preface and/or Introduction
• Main body
• Complete bibliography
• Index
• Where applicable, notes, maps, tables, charts, copies of illustrations, and/or photographs, acknowledgements, editorial preface
and/or introduction, glossary, abbreviations, notations, and so on.
• Your curriculum vitae
The Review Process
External reviewers and an editorial board evaluate manuscripts submitted for consideration. The reviewers are recognized experts in their particular field(s). The review process normally takes several months. Upon completion of the review and editorial process, we will notify you about the reviewers’ evaluations and the decision of the editorial board.
Use the Library of Congress system of transliterating names and titles from Ukrainian, Russian, and other Cyrillic languages (see
Text Specifications
- Double-space all text, including notes, bibliographies, and extracts.
- Number pages consecutively.
- Use footnotes instead of endnotes. They should be double-spaced and consecutively numbered, starting with 1 in each chapter.
- Indicate in the margin where each illustration or table should be placed.
- All notes and bibliographic entries/references should be in roman (not Cyrillic) type, transliterated as per the transliteration table:
- Use a fixed font (such as Times New Roman) with a standard line length and number of lines per page.
- Use a minimum of formatting. Most formatting must be removed before typesetting, and this is time-consuming.
- Leave text left justified.
- Tum off your word processor’s automatic hyphenation feature. The only hyphens that should appear are those in compound words.
- There should be no blank lines between paragraphs, and paragraphs should be indented. Use the tab key (instead of a string of spaces) to indent paragraphs. Ensure that indents are consistent throughout the manuscript. Do not use hanging indents in text.
- Use only one space after all punctuation, including periods and colons.
- Never substitute letters for numbers or numbers for letters (“oh” for “zero”).
- If your manuscript contains special characters (non-roman alphabets, accents, mathematical symbols, diacritical marks, etc.), provide a separate hard copy list of these with coding instructions.
- Double-space titles, captions, notes, and source information.
- Number each table consecutively by chapter (e.g., Table 1.1, Table 1.2, etc.).
- In your contract, you may have agreed to provide camera-ready art for your maps (that is, originals of sufficiently high quality for reproduction). Please check with us if you have any further questions about what is considered acceptable for reproduction.
- If CIUS Press has specified that we will prepare the maps, please supply us with a sample of a map similar in level of detail and style to the one you envision. Include a complete list of place names to be typeset, as well as any other text or graphic information that must appear on the final map.
- Number each map by chapter (e.g. Map 1.1, Map 1.2, etc.)
- As you choose photographs for their content and illustrative value, keep in mind what makes for good, clear reproduction: good contrast, range of tone, and sharp detail (avoid washed out, muddy, scratched, or under- or over-exposed prints).
- Submit figures and illustrations in high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) TIFF or JPG files.
- Number each illustration consecutively by chapter (e.g., Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2, etc.).
- Please make sure that you have the copyright or publication permission for each photograph.
- Number each photograph on the label so that it can be keyed to its caption.
Other Figures, Graphs, Diagrams, and Charts
- If a figure is to be taken from another source, always supply an original or the highest-quality reproduction possible.
- Simple figures, graphs, charts, and diagrams may in some circumstances be redrawn from drafts provided in the manuscript. Check with our editor if you are unsure about whether you must provide camera-ready figures.
- Provide a caption for each photograph. Double-space the caption copy and key each caption to the photograph.
- Captions for other illustrations (figures, maps, etc.) may be placed with the illustration.