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Друга світова війна і суспільно-політичні настрої в Україні, 1939 – червень 1941 рр.


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This book, based on a thorough research of a wide variety of archival sources, convincingly refutes the official Soviet propagandistic dogma about the alleged “moral and political unity of the Soviet people at the outset of the Second World War.” The book documents and presents a well-researched picture of the Soviet Ukrainian society in 1939–41 as diverse and ideologically divided. The archival sources prove that the Soviet government’s attempts to construct in the Ukrainian SSR a homogeneous society with a unified “Soviet identity” were largely unsuccessful. Having survived the Holodomor of 1932–33 and the Stalinist terror, the predominantly rural population of Ukraine remained distrustful of the Soviet government, and, in some instances, openly hostile to it. In retrospect, the book explains the crushing defeat of the Soviet war effort in 1941 as a result of the disloyalty of a considerable part of Ukraine’s population toward the Soviet government.

Неприборкане різноголосся: Друга світова війна і суспільно-політичні настрої в Україні, 1939 – червень 1941 рр. (Unbridled Dissonance: The Second World War and Socio-Political Identities in Ukraine, 1939–1941) was co-published by the Institute of Political and Ethno-National Studies at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the TKUMA All-Ukrainian Centre for the Study of the Holocaust, the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, and the Petro Jacyk Program for the Study of Modern Ukrainian History (Edmonton, Toronto, and Lviv).

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 25 × 17 × 3 cm





Year Published



  1. Marko R. Stech

    Jan T. Gross of Princeton University published a detailed review of this book in Ukraina Moderna, vol 22 (2015), pp. 248-51.

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